About Us

At Truly Painting, we are a high-end luxury painting contractor serving Eastern WA and Western ID. With expertise in custom woodworking for cabinets and luxury wood finishes, we offer impeccable craftsmanship to clients in Spokane, WA, Coeur D'Alene, Priest Lake, and Sandpoint, ID

Our Mission

To provide exceptional painting services and custom woodworking with a focus on luxury and attention to detail. We strive to exceed client expectations and create beautiful, long-lasting finishes that enhance the aesthetic appeal of their spaces

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Meet The Weltzins!

A good contractor is hard to come by in this area, let alone an exceptional one. That's why Joe Weltzin and his family launched their company to offer painting & premium woodworking that grips attention,  has gained a reputation as a market leader, has a steady stream of happy, high end clients that would say the same!

Top materials

Truly Painting and High-End Luxury Woodworking utilize the finest materials, from gorgeous woods to high-quality paints and finishes, ensuring a luxurious and long-lasting result.


The commitment to excellence is at the heart of truly painting and high-end luxury woodworking, with artisans dedicating themselves to perfection in every detail, resulting in breathtaking and unparalleled works of art.

Industry-leading processes

The craftsmanship involved in truly painting and woodworking is a blend of traditional techniques and modern innovation, creating pieces that are both timeless and cutting-edge.


At Truly Painting, we've got the expertise that comes with years of mastering the art of painting and woodworking.